
Why Print is Still An Integral Component of Multi-Channel Marketing

Print is still an important marketing channel for many organizations. Managing, optimizing, and distributing print materials has been a pain point. An On Demand Print Studio serves as a key component in creating the greatest marketing efficiencies. Improvements in cost expenditures and process flows serve as key benefits in enabling marketing automation in the print function.

What’s in a Name? 15 Criteria for Naming a Brand or Product

What makes a good brand or product name? We’ll show you a very valuable framework for naming, including 3 categories and 15 individual criteria in the 3 categories. By choosing a good brand name, a company positions itself for greater success. A good name is a prerequisite to all marketing activity.

How Should a Sales Person Spend Their Time?

Time is a valuable asset. It can’t be re-created. When the moment passes, it passes forever. Every second that a salesperson isn’t spending on productive sales activity represents an opportunity that is lost forever. Distribion’s proven platform offers a way for organization’s to make stronger use of a salesperson’s time.

Why Marketing Automation Should Be a Part of Your 2014 Marketing Budget

If you are looking to make your marketing spends more efficient and effective in 2014, it is critical to have a multi-channel marketing automation technology solution. Marketing management must build a case for having this solution by understanding the CEO or CFO’s perspective, and position it in language that will have the most impact for them. A smart technology vendor should be happy to help marketing management make a case by showing how the solution has made a difference for existing customers and how they will leverage this experience to make a positive impact on the bottom line.

NFL Season Kickoff: How Social Media Marketing Has Changed NFL TV Advertising

The NFL season may be kicking off now, but brand advertisers are already deep in the planning for the end of the season: Super Bowl Sunday. However, TV advertising during the Super Bowl isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago. Social media has left its mark on Super Bowl advertising, and if a brand isn’t taking advantage of the social media channel as part of their Super Bowl advertising strategy, they are missing a tremendous opportunity. The Super Bowl advertising strategy serves as great proof of the contemporary, multi-channel marketing approach.

The One Key Skill Great Marketers Have

Marketers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. But there’s one common unifying skill that separates the best marketers from the rest of the pack. Ultimately, geat marketers see the trends and adjust their efforts accordingly while maintaining an approach rooted in fundamental marketing theory.

Do Marketers & Salespeople Ruin Everything?

During last week’s LIMRA-LOMA Social Media Conference, one of the key points that keynote speaker Gary Vaynerchuk made was that marketers & salespeople ruin everything. By everything, Vaynerchuk is referring to the dynamics of a marketing channel, and that channels lose their cool factor once they are discovered by marketers & salespeople. Does history support his viewpoint?

LIMRA Selects Distribion Multi-Channel Distributed Marketing Platform

Distribion is proud to announce that LIMRA has chosen our multi-channel, automated marketing platform to support its marketing efforts throughout its organization. LIMRA, a global research, consulting and professional development organization, is the trusted source of industry knowledge, helping more than 850 insurance and financial services companies in 73 countries increase their marketing and distribution effectiveness. The fact that a company of LIMRA’s stature chose to use Distribion’s platform to support marketing efforts throughout the organization speaks volumes to the capabilities of the Distribion platform.

Distribion Launches New Website

Distribion, the publisher of this blog, recently completed a project to redevelop its main corporate website. As a result of the redevelopment of the website, there is a new look and feel to the Distribion brand and its primary product offering, the Distributed Marketing Platform. Come learn more about it!