
Should Your Brand Feature a Loyalty Program?

At a very basic level, most companies realize the importance of keeping their customer base happy and inclined to continue purchasing from them when there is a perceived need. The best spent marketing efforts are often in the area of customer retention, where loyal customers can significantly impact the bottom line. Brands should make the effort to make their current clients feel special and feel as though the value they receive from the brand relationship is meaningful.

Keeping Content Interesting: A Challenge of Distributed Marketing

With the growth and adoption of new marketing channels, it can be perceived as a greater challenge than ever to find a way to consistently produce fresh and engaging content. Every organization should want to create content that stands out from the crowd and is captivating. Here are some thoughts on how you can keep content fresh, intriguing, and engaging.

What Makes Marketing Copy Effective?

Marketing Profs recently publicized data from a survey conducted by Sticky Content about the state of digital copy writing. Survey respondents were primarily from the United Kingdom, but the results of this survey have global applicability. One key question in the survey was: “How do you measure the effectiveness of copy?”. The answers to this […]

The Fun Side of Distribion

Those who follow this blog closely are aware that it typically provides thought provoking, substantive content about marketing topics as a whole, but specifically distributed marketing. Today, we’re going to take a moment to break away from that, and talk a little about some of the fun elements of our days working at a leading […]

Playing Local Marketing Hardball

AT&T is showing that it is playing hardball with local marketing efforts. They have built a New York centric marketing campaign around the forthcoming retirement of New York Yankees pitcher Mariano Rivera, who is widely considered to be one of the best relief pitchers in the history of Major League Baseball.

How Relevant is Customer Engagement?

  Customer engagement is a hot button topic for a lot of brands. Most marketing managers desire their brands to be on the forefront of the minds of their target consumers. New data from Korn/Ferry International indicates that customer engagement keeps the majority of marketing executives (52 percent) awake at night. The characterization of “awake […]

Distributed Marketing & Analyzing Ad Spend Trends

Marketing Charts recently produced data analyzing where ad spend is going in a number of mediums. The headline of “Global Ad Spend Outlook Worsens for Most Media” is an accurate headline, but doesn’t tell the full story. From a distributed marketing perspective, there’s opportunity as the multichannel, digital component of the advertising pie continues to […]

Bridging the Advertising Trust Gap, Part 2

In March, I wrote about the advertising trust gap and how companies can work to bridge it. More data has come up this week indicating a significant gap in the way that consumers perceive advertising vs. the way businesses think that consumers perceive advertising. Survey data from Nielsen indicates that businesses believe that 43% consumers […]

Which Channels Sell the Most?

Wired published an article about the results of an extended study by marketing data company Custora about how various channels in the multichannel marketing communication mix perform in terms of driving sales in the e-commerce space. The results should spark discussion in the marketing community. Organic search and CPC were the overall leaders, which makes […]

Why Online Customer Reviews Are So Powerful

Marketing Charts cited data published by indicating that 8 in 10 say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. While this statistic alone has meaning, I would rather see a statistic that demonstrates a behavior based on online reviews. Nevertheless, having positive online reviews is something that companies should desire. Looking […]