
Data on Why People Become Facebook Fans is Revealing

Mashable posted an article about a Syncapse survey containing insight into why people decide to “Like” a brand on Facebook. The most common reason cited for “Liking” a brand was that respondents wanted to show that they actually liked the brand. Sometimes, the simplest explanations are the correct ones. There were other reasons why people […]

The Challenge of Consistency in a MultiChannel Environment

One of the biggest stories to come out of the marketing/brand management world in the past week was the decision made by retailer Men’s Wearhouse to drop company founder & advertising spokesman George Zimmer from their marketing communications. Zimmer’s identity is closely tied to the Men’s Wearhouse brand. It will take a while for that […]

FINRA’s Social Media Sweep & Distributed Marketing

News this week emerged that FINRA will be closely examining social media profiles of certain financial advisors. When stories like this come out, it is a great reminder of the nature of a highly regulated industries like financial services and insurance. Thoughts of brand compliance permeate an organization more deeply during times likes these, but […]

The Role of Distributed Marketing in Building Brand Awareness recently featured an article about why CMO’s are not good at selling the concept of brand awareness. On the surface, this seems almost incomprehensible to me, as it is a basic fundamental truth of marketing that brand awareness is the first step to inducing purchase. However, this notion makes sense in the context of […]

Strengthening a Hotel Brand Through Distributed Marketing

Software Advice, a free resource for hotel management systems, recently featured an article about what hotel brands can do to get more bookings directly rather than getting bookings from online travel agencies. With online travel agencies, hotels have to pay commissions for each booking that the agency brings in. This idea would seem like a […]

How Does Social Media Buzz Impact Sales?

This is a hot button issue amongst marketers today.  AdAge reported in March that Coca-Cola announced that it found no statistically significant short term impact on sales based on social media buzz. Eventually, Wendy Clark, a senior marketer from Coca-Cola, wrote a follow up piece to the AdAge story about how important social media is […]

Multichannel, Distributed Marketing Automation Still Growing

Last Fall, one of Distribion’s big marketing pieces was an infographic simply named The Rise of Distributed Marketing. 8 months later, news coming out of the multichannel marketing automation sector is still positive. Recently, Gartner released data indicating that marketing automation software will achieve 11% growth this year. Various other statistics have indicated extended periods […]

MultiChannel Marketing is Not Static

Last year, Eric Jackson wrote a piece on Forbes about why Facebook might disappear in 5 years. This week, approximately one year later, he revisited that topic, and believes that the events of the past year were on track with his 2012 post and that Facebook is poised to disappear. The way Jackson uses the […]

Setting & Managing Social Media Expectations (Part One)

This is the first is a series of posts on this post. More to come. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I could think of no truer statement to define the climate around how to appropriately set and manage expectations within the current marketing paradigm. The field of marketing has changed […]

Distributed Marketing & Customer Winback

Customer winback is a subject that goes well with our most recent blog about customer retention. It is best to not lose quality customers to begin with, but there are situations when customers will be lost. However, all is not necessarily lost when a customer leaves. There may be options to bring these customers back […]

Distributed Social Media Marketing: A Benefit for Busy Sales Agents

By now, there should be little doubt regarding the pervasiveness of social media. We’ve shared statistics on social media multiple times in the last year in this space, and new statistics come out frequently augmenting the case for social media. Without a well devised and implemented presence in social media, a company misses great opportunities to […]