
Getting a Quick Start: Evaluating With Your Own Campaigns

The idea of trying your marketing platform with one of my marketing campaigns just makes the evaluation process that much easier.” AVP of Sales Distribution **This is the second part in a blog series. Click here for Part One. ** One of the many advantages of the Quick Start program is that a company has […]

Permissions & Centralized Marketing Control

One of the key features of the Distributed Marketing Platform is permissions. The platform is entirely permission based. There is a key administrator or administrators depending upon the size of the organization using the platform. Administrators can set business rules as they see fit with regard to content, assets, approval flows, etc. They have control […]

4 Results of Distributed Marketing in Webinars & Seminars

Webinars & seminars are a very effective means for companies to acquire, retain and cross sell. Also, they can educate agents & channel partners. Unfortunately, in industries where distributed marketing models are commonly found, webinars & seminars have not been used to their fullest potential. Distributed marketing management software is a crucial component in achieving […]

Newest Gleanster Research Highlights Value of Distributed Marketing Management Software

Gleanster recently released research regarding the importance of multi-channel, distributed marketing software. The report contained many great statistics, and we’ve shared some of them on our various social media pages. These statistics speak volumes about the relevance of the distributed marketing model and the impact of distributed marketing software. Top Performers are 7 times more […]

Try Before You Buy: Why a Quick Start Makes Sense

**Co-authored by Edgar Rodriguez** Why try before you buy? As a marketing strategy, offering the “try before you buy” initiative as a sales incentive makes a lot of sense. Different industries have different variations on this. Whenever you go to a store like Sam’s Club or Costco, numerous food & beverage brands partner with these […]

Which Product Features Matter Most? The Ones the End User Values Most

Last week, Distribion was featured as a client case study in the Wrike blog. There are numerous parallels between Distribion and Wrike. Both Distribion and Wrike are Software as a Service (SaaS) brands in the B2B space. Wrike offers project management software, which Distribion uses around the office to foster productivity in managing complex tasks […]

Where’s the ROI in Social Media? (Part Three)

This is the third part of ongoing series. Part One  & Part Two are available.  Part One of this series introduced the topic. Part Two was about setting the right mindset. Now is the time to evaluate some mathematical equations for measuring social media ROI. Special thanks to Angie Schottmuller of Search Engine Watch for […]

Is Albuquerque a Land of Multichannel Marketing Enchantment?

From April 28-May 1, Distribion will be participating in the Simpleview Summit, a gathering of many tourism marketing professionals. In preparation for the summit, today’s blog topic is related to tourism marketing. There are few places where tourism is more important than New Mexico. 32 Million people visit the state annually, which sustains 85,766 local […]

How to Get Your Emails Read

  Email marketing, when executed properly, has been known to deliver impressive results. One important factor in email marketing is that it is not very expensive when compared to traditional mass marketing means. The CMO Council notes that email marketing accounts for 15% of SMB marketing spend. Small to medium sized businesses often have limited […]

What’s Going On with the Digital, Multi-Channel Marketing Budget?

A Harvard Business Review blog post recently noted that analog marketing spending (the more traditional channels) is 3 times as high as digital spending. That can be perceived as surprising and not so surprising at the same time. Gartner recently released the U.S. Digital Spending Survey, 2013, which is a terrific summarization of high level […]