by Distribion Archive | May 25, 2016 | B2B Social Media, Blog, Blog Archive, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Distributed Marketing, Email Marketing, Featured, Local Marketing, Marketing Automation, Mobile Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Omni-Channel Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Through-Channel Marketing Automation
If you’re a witch, you know your broom from the front of its wooden knob to its last brushing fiber. But you’re not a witch. However, just as a witch may know every aspect of her broom, as a champion of your brand, you know every attribute of your product. The...
by Distribion Archive | Mar 16, 2016 | Blog, Blog Archive, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Distributed Marketing, Featured
Motivational content is about winning hearts and minds. It is most often born from the passions of those who are emotionally committed to the cause. They bring a perspective which shapes customer perceptions. It comes in many forms Tony Robbins and Bob Proctor are...
by Distribion Archive | Jun 27, 2014 | Blog, Blog Archive, Content Marketing, Featured, Multi-Channel Marketing, Social Media Marketing
What makes an effective content marketer? It’s not all about the writing, that’s for sure. A recent study from the Content Marketing Institute got us thinking about what the most effective B2B Content Marketers are doing to be truly successful. We thought we...
by Distribion Archive | May 10, 2012 | Blog, Blog Archive, Multi-Channel Marketing
Content marketing works. That simple premise is why more and more marketers are making content marketing a core part of their lead generation strategies. One of the reasons that they work is that providing high-quality content helps build trust and rapport with...
by Distribion Archive | Apr 2, 2012 | Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Multi-Channel Marketing
Most marketers understand that content marketing is no longer optional – it’s a requirement. So nearly all of us write blogs, publish white papers, and create a variety of eBooks and PDF’s that are available for download on our websites. At SXSW this year, Jay Baer...