Industry News.


Distribion, leading provider of marketing automation platform and services, surpassed expectations this year, adding 63 new enterprise clients due to its innovative Quick Start Program, several platform upgrades, and the option for clients to use Distribion’s data acquisition, management, and retention capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence

How smart can computers get? Most of us already have smartphones we use for a thousand small tasks that used to take a lot longer to accomplish: check out library books, find the cheapest gas station by your office, Google an authoritative-sounding statistic to use in the heat of an argument. One day we’ll just leave it to the iPhone to cut the grass, babysit the kids, and serve the perfect martini. (What will I do with my weekends then?)

Cheat Sheet: 2014 Marketing Budget

We’re halfway through November, but you haven’t planned your marketing budget for 2014. Your boss expected a draft of recommendations yesterday (thank goodness you’re familiar with the “I forgot to attach the file” excuse), but you haven’t even started to research what your competitors are doing, much less what you should do.

Luckily, your frantic Googling landed you in the right place this time. We’ve put together a cheat sheet of ideas, trends, and predictions for 2014, each with a handy sentence or two of explanation.

Feel free to use the tips below to impress your boss with your preparation and insight. No need to quote us – this one’s a freebie.

Do Marketers & Consumers Really Understand Each Other?

It is an age old question in marketing, and one that mostly every organization struggles with on a regular basis. The essence of marketing involves fulfilling perceived needs. One viewpoint could be that there are more tools than ever available to marketers to examine customer behaviors and interactions, yet it appears marketers aren’t fully optimizing how they are using tools. Optimization of tools available plus the right mindset towards delivering innovative changes will be what gets us closer to a time when marketers & consumers can really understand each other.

NFL Season Kickoff: How Social Media Marketing Has Changed NFL TV Advertising

The NFL season may be kicking off now, but brand advertisers are already deep in the planning for the end of the season: Super Bowl Sunday. However, TV advertising during the Super Bowl isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago. Social media has left its mark on Super Bowl advertising, and if a brand isn’t taking advantage of the social media channel as part of their Super Bowl advertising strategy, they are missing a tremendous opportunity. The Super Bowl advertising strategy serves as great proof of the contemporary, multi-channel marketing approach.

Do Marketers & Salespeople Ruin Everything?

During last week’s LIMRA-LOMA Social Media Conference, one of the key points that keynote speaker Gary Vaynerchuk made was that marketers & salespeople ruin everything. By everything, Vaynerchuk is referring to the dynamics of a marketing channel, and that channels lose their cool factor once they are discovered by marketers & salespeople. Does history support his viewpoint?

Keeping Content Interesting: A Challenge of Distributed Marketing

With the growth and adoption of new marketing channels, it can be perceived as a greater challenge than ever to find a way to consistently produce fresh and engaging content. Every organization should want to create content that stands out from the crowd and is captivating. Here are some thoughts on how you can keep content fresh, intriguing, and engaging.

Counting Down to the Life Insurance Conference

The Life Insurance Conference* is right around the corner. We are only 5 days away from the start of the conference, which runs from April 15-17 in New Orleans. This blog has had a number of posts in recent weeks that have been centered around the themes of the conference. For a quick recap, I’ve […]

SEC Approval Shows Pervasiveness of Social Media

Earlier this week, the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) released a report declaring that companies could use social media channels to communicate newsworthy events. A key caveat in this ruling is that companies have to disclose where they will be breaking key news items. The SEC report highlights the pervasiveness of social media. As an […]

No Debate: A Need to Innovate & Differentiate

One of the themes at this year’s Life Insurance Conference is product innovation and differentiation in a low interest rate environment. In any industry, there’s a need to innovate and differentiate. Brands that fail to do this risk a loss of relevance in the marketplace; more importantly, they risk negative consequences on the income statement. […]

Solving The Low Interest Rate Dilemma

On March 14th, I posted The Low Interest Rate Dilemma, which detailed how the current low interest rate environment is impacting the insurance industry. At the upcoming Life Insurance Conference, this is going to be a significant topic. Low interest rates are affecting pricing, the price-value proposition of product offerings and a variety of corporate […]