Social Media.

NFL Season Kickoff: How Social Media Marketing Has Changed NFL TV Advertising

The NFL season may be kicking off now, but brand advertisers are already deep in the planning for the end of the season: Super Bowl Sunday. However, TV advertising during the Super Bowl isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago. Social media has left its mark on Super Bowl advertising, and if a brand isn’t taking advantage of the social media channel as part of their Super Bowl advertising strategy, they are missing a tremendous opportunity. The Super Bowl advertising strategy serves as great proof of the contemporary, multi-channel marketing approach.

The One Key Skill Great Marketers Have

Marketers come from a wide variety of backgrounds. But there’s one common unifying skill that separates the best marketers from the rest of the pack. Ultimately, geat marketers see the trends and adjust their efforts accordingly while maintaining an approach rooted in fundamental marketing theory.

Do Marketers & Salespeople Ruin Everything?

During last week’s LIMRA-LOMA Social Media Conference, one of the key points that keynote speaker Gary Vaynerchuk made was that marketers & salespeople ruin everything. By everything, Vaynerchuk is referring to the dynamics of a marketing channel, and that channels lose their cool factor once they are discovered by marketers & salespeople. Does history support his viewpoint?

Keeping Content Interesting: A Challenge of Distributed Marketing

With the growth and adoption of new marketing channels, it can be perceived as a greater challenge than ever to find a way to consistently produce fresh and engaging content. Every organization should want to create content that stands out from the crowd and is captivating. Here are some thoughts on how you can keep content fresh, intriguing, and engaging.

How Relevant is Customer Engagement?

  Customer engagement is a hot button topic for a lot of brands. Most marketing managers desire their brands to be on the forefront of the minds of their target consumers. New data from Korn/Ferry International indicates that customer engagement keeps the majority of marketing executives (52 percent) awake at night. The characterization of “awake […]

Why Online Customer Reviews Are So Powerful

Marketing Charts cited data published by indicating that 8 in 10 say that they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. While this statistic alone has meaning, I would rather see a statistic that demonstrates a behavior based on online reviews. Nevertheless, having positive online reviews is something that companies should desire. Looking […]

Data on Why People Become Facebook Fans is Revealing

Mashable posted an article about a Syncapse survey containing insight into why people decide to “Like” a brand on Facebook. The most common reason cited for “Liking” a brand was that respondents wanted to show that they actually liked the brand. Sometimes, the simplest explanations are the correct ones. There were other reasons why people […]

How Does Social Media Buzz Impact Sales?

This is a hot button issue amongst marketers today.  AdAge reported in March that Coca-Cola announced that it found no statistically significant short term impact on sales based on social media buzz. Eventually, Wendy Clark, a senior marketer from Coca-Cola, wrote a follow up piece to the AdAge story about how important social media is […]

MultiChannel Marketing is Not Static

Last year, Eric Jackson wrote a piece on Forbes about why Facebook might disappear in 5 years. This week, approximately one year later, he revisited that topic, and believes that the events of the past year were on track with his 2012 post and that Facebook is poised to disappear. The way Jackson uses the […]