
Efficient Email: 5 Time-Saving Steps

When European tech giant Atos banned email between its employees last year in favor of instant messages and a collaborative portal, the company said that workers were losing up to 28 per cent of each day due to interruptions, with email a major culprit. Besides, the company said that only about 10 out of every […]

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Timing Social Media & Email for Best Results

To every purpose, there is a season…to every tweet, there is an optimum time. (Rephrasing Ecclesiastes…and the Byrds..with no intent to offend fans of either one.)  It is true:  there is a best time to send email, and timing social media for best results will deliver more leads and more sales than social media that […]

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Going Mobile in 2012: How and Why It Matters

Mobile web traffic has quickly become one of the fastest growing segments for businesses. More & more people rely on mobile devices to conduct transactions using their smart-phones, tablets, iPads and even an ebooks. As Marketers, we have to be ready to reach consumers all day, every day. Many companies are already catering to mobile […]

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Getting To Know You: Ongoing Sales Intelligence

For over 100 years, it’s been a truism in sales and marketing that you can’t know too much about your customers and prospects.  That’s never been truer than it is today, when empowered customers often make the majority of the decisions about products and services before they’re ready to engage with sales. So how do […]

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5 Easy Ways to Beat Social Media or Blog Lawsuits

Nearly everyone understands that social media litigation is increasing rapidly.  But many marketing professionals are unaware of the laws that affect bloggers and social media users.  The truth is that the 5 easy ways to beat social media or blog lawsuits all boil down to one thing:  Don’t make the common mistakes that wind up setting […]

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Leveraging Email & Social Media for PR Results

Journalists and PR professionals are increasingly using all forms of media in their day-to-day reporting and now see them as legitimate channels for communication. MyPRGenie, a leading PR and marketing platform, recently conducted a research survey to see which of these channels are most popular among reporters and how they can be used effectively. The […]

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Rethinking Print in the Age of Social Media

The corner newsstand may be a vanishing symbol of a bygone era for many of us, but printed materials remain a staple for most marketers. Business cards, direct mail, flyers, brochures, point-of-sale, forms and other printed items need to be produced and delivered to prospective customers, local offices, third-party fulfillment houses, trade shows and distribution centers. […]

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What is distributed marketing automation?

I was talking to a prospective customer the other day, and he wanted to know exactly what I meant when I said that my company delivers multi-channel distributed marketing automation solutions for companies like his in regulated industries.  “Just what is distributed marketing anyway?” he wanted to know. The simplest way to explain it is to […]

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5 PR Pitch Mistakes to Avoid

Around Christmas time, I helped a friend who is a columnist for a well-known national magazine cull through a large volume of pitches he was getting from a request for information that he’d posted on HARO (Peter Shankman’s great Help a Reporter Out service that matches sources with writers looking for experts). It’s possible that […]

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5 Steps to Take Before A Social Media Campaign

Have you ever had an audience member ask one of those questions that seems out of context at first, but it nags at you until you realize how important it was?  That happened to me several months ago when I was a presenter at a webinar with Christy Campbell of Socialware and Stephen Selby of […]

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Turning Google Analytics Data into Dollars and Sense

Since its release in November 2005, Google Analytics (GA) has continually provided marketing teams with a wide range of data to help them understand just how users interact online with their business.  GA now offers everything from real-time analytics, multi-channel funnels to social media and mobile tracking. More often than not, marketers approach the Vertical […]

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