Blog Archive.

Distribion, Inc. Unveils New Social Media Marketing Automation Bundle During the LIMRA 2012 Social Media Conference

This week in Boston, MA, LIMRA held its Social Media Conference where members from Distribion, Inc. presented their never before seen Social Media Marketing Automation Bundle.  During the meeting, they also showcased their proprietary Quick Start Program.  Distribion is a strategic partner to the LIMRA organization offering large enterprises under the insurance and financial services […]

The High Cost Of Distributed Marketing: FINRA Fines Up 15%

The cost of doing business continues to climb within regulated industries like healthcare, insurance and financial services.  Just this week, it was revealed that the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is on pace to far exceed the amount of fines imposed last year with the total amount anticipated to jump a whopping 15%. According to […]

Distribion, Inc. Unveils First Social Media Marketing Bundling Capability to its Multi-Channel Marketing Automation Platform

According to Tim Storer, CEO of Distribion, Inc., a leading provider of multi-channel marketing automation software for large enterprises in regulated industries, “Recent advancements in communication technology continues to grow at unprecedented rates leaving marketers struggling to communicate effectively with clients, and feeling overwhelmed at how to use the new modes of communication successfully while […]

Distributed Marketing Platform: Organizations Now At A Huge Disadvantage Without One

Numerous analysts and marketing publications are recommending that organizations take a hard look at incorporating a Multi-Channel Distributed Marketing Platform into their enterprise marketing strategy. In fact, just this week Forrester published a new report titled “Emerging Technologies for CMO’s to Watch: Q3 2012” where again, distributed marketing technology was highlighted as something that many […]

Distribion, Inc., Marketing Automation Software Provider, Listed Among the Fastest Growing Technology Companies in Dallas Fort Worth

Distribion, Inc., which provides a web-based, multi-channel marketing automation software offering a solution that optimizes marketing distribution while maintaining brand and regulatory compliance for large enterprises, recently announced it was named to the list of “2012 Fastest Growing Technology Companies” in Dallas-Fort Worth.   The list was compiled by the Metroplex Technology Business Council, which is […]

Doubling Down on Differentiation

by BILL TYSON • PRINT-FRIENDLY  Recently, the expression “doubling down” has become part of the tech world’s nomenclature. “I think you’ll be pleased where we’re taking Siri. We’re doubling down on it.” – Tim Cook, Apple CEO, speaking at the D10 conference in May 2012. He also remarked that they are going to “doubling down on secrecy” too, […]

Social Media Spending 2012: Forrester & a VC Weigh In

How does your 2012 social media spending compare to spending levels at similar companies?  Is your B2B social media strategy based on hard data, or guesswork?  It’s often hard to know how to budget effectively, but two new reports may help marketers with their B2B social media strategy for the remainder of 2012 and beyond. Forrester […]

New Research on Driving Revenue via Email

Gleanster Research recently published a new report titled Deep Dive:  Email Marketing in the Distributed Enterprise.  A PDF of the entire report is available for free download, but here are five email marketing best practices for marketers who work in companies with a distributed marketing model. In a study that showed that 76% of marketers […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Twitter #Hashtags

Nearly every marketer uses Twitter – and the vast majority of us also use Twitter hashtags – the letters that follow the pound or number sign (#) in a tweet.  But here are five things you might not know about using Twitter hashtags that could help you boost your Twitter results dramatically. For example, did […]

Using Marketing Automation for Channel Engagement

When people talk about marketing communications, it’s usually in the context of selling products and services to customers. But an increasing number of top-performing companies are using marketing communication solutions as a secret weapon to help them sell through wholesalers, channel partners, independent or captive sales teams, dealers, brokers, and other kinds of resellers. Think about it. […]