
Making the Case for 2012 Marketing Budgets

The year is half over, and that means it’s time for many of us to start building the business case for 2012 marketing spending.   If you want to get management approval to buy a technology solution for your multi-channel marketing organization, start by looking at the purchase from your CEO or CFO’s perspective. Nothing you can […]

7 Best Practices for Mobile Email

According to both Forrester  and Gartner,  about 76% of U.S. workers have access to email on mobile devices today, and globally, it’s approximately 60% of all full-time employees.  Forrester projects universal email access on mobile devices by 2014. Most marketers already know how to design good-looking, well-written HTML email messages that get results.  But how […]

News Round-up: Hashtags Bite Entenmanns, Twitter Causes Bayer Headache

Here’s this week’s round-up of news stories marketers shouldn’t miss because they offer key information or lessons that multi-channel distributed marketing organizations should take to heart. Hashtag surfing bites Entenmanns.   When a marketer at Entenmanns used the Twitter hashtag #notguilty to promote the company’s low-fat  baked goods, the company stepped right into the middle of the Twitter […]

Drawing the Line Online: Personal vs. Professional

Three experts on social and digital media and compliance will present a free webinar on Thursday, July 14 that will clarify the rules for companies – and employees – in regulated industries when using online services like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and others.   Implementing compliant social media strategies in business can be more complex than it […]

Facebook Fabulous: Five Business Success Tips

After posting a list of six common Facebook faux pas, with the information businesses need to know to avoid them, it seems only logical to post a list of tips that can help a business create fabulous Facebook pages. Create a Page People Want to Visit.   What is it about your business that would make […]

Friday News Round-up: Five Stories Marketers Shouldn’t Miss

This week brought a number of interesting stories that will affect nearly anyone who uses a multi-channel distributed marketing approach to sell products or services, regardless of their industry. Here are five of the most interesting: NLRB Targets “Facebook Firings” and Social Media Policies —  North Carolina law firm Nexsen Pruet publishes a monthly employment law update that always contains […]

Fox News Features The Distributed Marketing Blog

Fox News featured The Distributed Marketing Blog in today’s “Fox Business” online report.  In a story titled:  When it Comes to Social Media, How Much is Too Much?, Fox Business reporter Jeffrey Gangemi interviewed the blog’s editor and reported on the widespread response to a recent blog post that “went viral” and was picked up by […]

Facebook Faux Pas: Six Things Businesses Need to Know

Most marketers understand how Facebook works very well from a personal standpoint — but some of the recent rules and changes that Facebook has made in how it treats business users make it easy to commit a Facebook faux pas. Creating a Profile Instead of a Page —  People have profiles, businesses have pages.  What’s […]

Marketing Technology 2011: 51% Hunger for a Solution

Back in February, Forrester analyst Suresh Vittal published a report titled Marketing Technology Adoption 2011.  With his usual thoroughness,  Vittal documented the kinds of technology that marketers are using in detail.  More importantly, he documented a sad truth:  51% of large companies admit that they are still behind the curve when it comes to using technology […]

Are you settling for marketing mediocrity?

  Social Media Today just published a list of the 10 Most Common Oversights in Digital Marketing.  It’s an interesting list of common mistakes marketers make in social media.  One of the ten (#8) jumps out at anyone who’s ever managed a multi-channel marketing campaign in a distributed marketing organization: Settling for mediocrity: In the age of superior […]