Best-in-Class Distributed Marketing Management
We are partnering with the Aberdeen Group on an important new survey on distributed marketing management. Individuals who take the 20-minute survey will receive a complimentary copy of the $399 research report on empowering local marketing through distributed marketing best practices when it is published. Individual responses are kept strictly confidential, and data is used […]
Marketing Sherpa Features Our Blog
David Kirkpatrick, a reporter with industry research firm MEC Labs’ popular Marketing Sherpa blog, today featured The Distributed Marketing Blog and its parent company, Distribion, in a case study. Case Study #CS32133: Overall Content Marketing Strategy Leads to 2,000% Lift in Blog Traffic, 40% Boost in Revenue looks at the blog and its success over […]
5 Social Media Tips We Learned This Week
Social media evolves and changes quickly, and even the experts learn something new every day – if they want to remain “experts”, that is. Sometimes it can seem as if the rules for social media are constantly changing. The best way for social media marketing to keep up is to try new ideas, and constantly […]
Predicting Consumer Behavior
As marketers, we all want to “build a better mousetrap” — that is, to market a product or service that’s perfectly positioned to entice and encourage customers to buy it. So market research, and predicting consumer behavior is a critical part of our jobs. On February 16, 2012, Forbes carried an article titled, “How Target […]
5 Minutes to Writing Better Marketing Emails
If you’re like me, you’re so busy doing your job that you barely have time to get it all done. So where do you find the time to improve your skills, and pick up on the latest research that can help you improve results? Here’s a formula that will help you write emails that get better […]
What 6 Months Has Taught Us About Google+
In June, 2011, the search giant Google launched Google+. At the time, many people thought it was a challenge to Facebook’s domination of the social media space, and treated it as little more than one more social media channel among many. Just over six months later, Google+ marketing best practices are starting to emerge. It’s […]
Redefining SPAM: New Survey Results
In 2009, the Email Institute, Epsilon’s highly-regarded research and industry best practices organization, conducted a global study of the evolution of email marketing that included in-depth looks at how multi-channel marketing, social media, instant messaging, and mobile devices were affecting email marketers. The study also looked at how consumers define spam email, and what steps […]
Distribion Becomes Newest LIMRA Strategic Partner
Leading multi-channel distributed marketing automation solutions vendor Distribion joins forces with leading insurance industry research and professional development organization LIMRA.
How Is Distributed Marketing Success Measured?
One of the most common questions I am asked in my role as the head of the professional services team at a company that sells multi-channel distributed marketing automation solutions is how our clients measure distributed marketing success. I don’t want to sound like a dissembling politician trying to cover up a scandal, but it […]
A New Way to Find Our Blog!
The Distributed Marketing Blog is a best-practices and distributed marketing industry news blog for corporate marketers, sponsored by Distribion, Inc., a leading provider of multi-channel distributed marketing automation solutions for marketers in regulated industries. With the launch of the new Distribion, Inc. corporate website today, you can now find The Distributed Marketing Blog at — […]
Thought Leadership Marketing: The Basics
A couple of years ago (early in 2010), research giant Gartner, Inc. published a report from Rolf Jester, one of the company’s vice president’s and distinguished analysts, that noted that thought leadership marketing (TLM) was a powerful tool for multi-channel marketing communications success. Jester said that while it was once the province solely of consulting […]
Do You See What I See? On Google, Probably Not
If you and I use Google to search for the same keyword, do you see what I see? Probably not. I’m in Dallas, Texas, so the first thing that Google does is to look at my IP address, which tells it where I am. If you’re anywhere else – even in a Dallas suburb – […]