Last year, Eric Jackson wrote a piece on Forbes about why Facebook might disappear in 5 years. This week, approximately one year later, he revisited that topic, and believes that the events of the past year were on track with his 2012 post and that Facebook is poised to disappear. The way Jackson uses the […]
Setting & Managing Social Media Expectations (Part One)
This is the first is a series of posts on this post. More to come. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I could think of no truer statement to define the climate around how to appropriately set and manage expectations within the current marketing paradigm. The field of marketing has changed […]
Distributed Marketing & Customer Winback
Customer winback is a subject that goes well with our most recent blog about customer retention. It is best to not lose quality customers to begin with, but there are situations when customers will be lost. However, all is not necessarily lost when a customer leaves. There may be options to bring these customers back […]
Distributed Marketing & Customer Retention: Keeping Quality Customers Around
Keeping quality, existing clients is a good idea for any sort of business. It is usually a better idea from a cost and revenue management standpoint to keep existing clients with your company. In industries that typically use distributed marketing models, this is even more relevant as field agents can often accumulate a large book […]
Distributed Social Media Marketing: A Benefit for Busy Sales Agents
By now, there should be little doubt regarding the pervasiveness of social media. We’ve shared statistics on social media multiple times in the last year in this space, and new statistics come out frequently augmenting the case for social media. Without a well devised and implemented presence in social media, a company misses great opportunities to […]
Getting a Quick Start: Evaluating With Your Own Campaigns
The idea of trying your marketing platform with one of my marketing campaigns just makes the evaluation process that much easier.” AVP of Sales Distribution **This is the second part in a blog series. Click here for Part One. ** One of the many advantages of the Quick Start program is that a company has […]
Permissions & Centralized Marketing Control
One of the key features of the Distributed Marketing Platform is permissions. The platform is entirely permission based. There is a key administrator or administrators depending upon the size of the organization using the platform. Administrators can set business rules as they see fit with regard to content, assets, approval flows, etc. They have control […]
4 Results of Distributed Marketing in Webinars & Seminars
Webinars & seminars are a very effective means for companies to acquire, retain and cross sell. Also, they can educate agents & channel partners. Unfortunately, in industries where distributed marketing models are commonly found, webinars & seminars have not been used to their fullest potential. Distributed marketing management software is a crucial component in achieving […]
Are TV & Digital Mutually Exclusive? Not at All: Why Multi-Channel, Distributed Marketing is a Good Choice
AdAge posted an article today featuring CBS CEO Les Moonves commenting why his network is a better fit for media buyers than digital media. One quote attributed to Moonves was: “If you need to reach a mass audience, you’re not going to get that online….We figured out you’d need to buy like 2 million spots […]
Newest Gleanster Research Highlights Value of Distributed Marketing Management Software
Gleanster recently released research regarding the importance of multi-channel, distributed marketing software. The report contained many great statistics, and we’ve shared some of them on our various social media pages. These statistics speak volumes about the relevance of the distributed marketing model and the impact of distributed marketing software. Top Performers are 7 times more […]
Multi-Channel, Distributed Marketing Software a Natural Fit in Marketing to Hispanics
Two articles on Adweek’s website provided some intriguing statistics about the US Hispanic market and technology adoption. Adweek noted a Nielsen statistic that 72 percent of US Hispanics have a smartphone and watch more online video than 62 percent of white non-Hispanic Americans. They also noted an eMarketer stat that 72 percent of U.S. Hispanic […]
Try Before You Buy: Why a Quick Start Makes Sense
**Co-authored by Edgar Rodriguez** Why try before you buy? As a marketing strategy, offering the “try before you buy” initiative as a sales incentive makes a lot of sense. Different industries have different variations on this. Whenever you go to a store like Sam’s Club or Costco, numerous food & beverage brands partner with these […]