Distributed Marketing.

The Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Automation [Infographic]

Marketing Automation | Done correctly, could successfully complement your overall strategy and reach the right audience without wearing out the message. Learn how marketers are creating personalized messages in advance to engage and nurture their prospects while focusing on other initiatives.

Marketing Madness

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for college basketball fans. That’s right, the NCAA basketball tournament is in full swing and the excitement is definitely in the air – or at least online.

Join us: LIMRA Distribution Conference

We are pleased to announce that throughout the month of March we will be discussing life as a Mobile Marketer – from trusting airport WIFI to the top apps that your customers are already using. Be on the lookout for the Mobile Marketer Series and stop by our booth at the show – we look forward to meeting you.


We’re proud to announce that 2015 will be our inaugural year of membership in the International Franchise Association, the leading organization supporting franchising globally.

A Look at Personalization Strategies for Local Marketers

Marketers with a localized marketing model face a wealth of challenges: fragmented technologies, brand consistency and audience segmentation top that list. A new video from Gleanster Research dives into the challenges local marketers face and the steps they can take to make a change.