Distribion’s Marketing Platform Update Streamlines Marketing Efficiencies

Multi-channel marketing can be a complicated process for brands that develop corporate marketing messages for local sales teams,  but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, Distribion’s marketing automation platform streamlines marketing efficiencies by allowing users to...

The Rise of Multichannel Marketing & Digital in Distributed Organizations

To get your brand message in front of the right audience, you must use multiple marketing channels. No matter the channel, what matters most is content. How well a brand uses various channels to push that content, however, is a prerequisite for a successful...

How Multi-Channel Storytelling Can Grow Your Marketing ROI

People want to buy from people The concept sounds too painstakingly ordinary, but when you consider your own buying preferences it becomes all too true. Brands that allow customers into their life and share stories send a humanizing message. No longer are large brands...