
A Look at Personalization Strategies for Local Marketers

Marketers with a localized marketing model face a wealth of challenges: fragmented technologies, brand consistency and audience segmentation top that list. A new video from Gleanster Research dives into the challenges local marketers face and the steps they can take to make a change.

Calculate Your Local Marketing ROI

How much money, time and energy does your team invest in local marketing, and how do you know if it’s working? Introducing the Local Marketing ROI Calculator, designed to help you better understand what a local marketing automation platform can do for your company.

Choosing Tactics for Your Content Marketing

In our last post, we explored what it takes to become effective at content marketing. Now that your mind is filled with amazing content ideas that reflect your brand and will no doubt engage your audience, a new question arises… How will I package and deliver this content to my audience?

Social Media Marketing On Steroids

The CMO Council recently reported that seventy-nine percent of marketers are expected to implement some form of social media technology platform this year —from community building (30 percent), social monitoring and data mining (30 percent), and social media tracking and analytics (19 percent) to automation platforms that will help take the next leap in optimizing social engagements and relationships.

The Power of Digital Marketing

You might think digital marketing is already “mainstream,” but the bulk of marketing budgets still goes toward offline activities such as trade shows, radio, TV, and direct mail. According to a research study conducted in Australia and New Zealand, around 61% of marketing budgets is still spent on offline activities.