by Distribion Archive | Aug 5, 2012 | B2B Social Media, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing
by BILL TYSON • PRINT-FRIENDLY Recently, the expression “doubling down” has become part of the tech world’s nomenclature. “I think you’ll be pleased where we’re taking Siri. We’re doubling down on it.” – Tim Cook, Apple CEO, speaking at the D10...
by Distribion Archive | Apr 4, 2012 | Blog, Blog Archive, Multi-Channel Marketing
Earlier this year, I was standing in front of a room filled with Indian entrepreneurs. At first, it looked as if I’d be speaking to a half-empty room – but noted Indian investor Vinod Khosla was speaking to a full-house next door and the overflow crowd drifted into...
by Distribion Archive | Aug 26, 2011 | Blog, Blog Archive, Industry News
Twits Can Ruin a Social Media Strategy– A campaign advisor to Senator Scott Brown and presidential candidate Mitt Romney stirred up a media firestorm for his bosses when he created a twitter account using the name @crazykhazei to make fun of Alan Khazei, who is...