by Distribion Archive | Nov 13, 2012 | B2B Social Media, Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
If your like most marketers your currently being inundated with messages, publications and advertisements about Big Data and how it’s going to transform the way you do business. With the amount of data a business collects expecting to increase over 650%...
by Distribion Archive | Oct 3, 2012 | Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
New evidence provides undeniable proof that the analytical insight gained through Big Data will continue to help business professionals meet their marketing objectives and improve sales processes. The powerful tool that brings the Big Data analytics to the forefront...
by Distribion Archive | Sep 2, 2012 | B2B Social Media, Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
Driving the adoption of new marketing automation technology can be a challenge unless the value proposition to the end-user is significant. Obviously, how easy the technology is to use plays a huge role in adoption, but ease-of-use should be a given and that in...
by Distribion Archive | Aug 17, 2012 | B2B Social Media, Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
The buzz around the term “Big Data” is almost deafening and is now on course to be as overused as the glorious, all-encompassing “Cloud”. That being said, the hype and buzz around Big Data and its impact on the marketing world is certainly not...