by Distribion Archive | Feb 20, 2012 | Blog, Blog Archive, Multi-Channel Marketing
A couple of years ago (early in 2010), research giant Gartner, Inc. published a report from Rolf Jester, one of the company’s vice president’s and distinguished analysts, that noted that thought leadership marketing (TLM) was a powerful tool for multi-channel...
by Distribion Archive | Aug 17, 2011 | Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Multi-Channel Marketing
In July, The Distributed Marketing Blog completed its first survey of marketing executives. We asked about their current spending priorities, spending plans for 2012, their view of how effective various marketing channels were, and how they selected different...
by Distribion Archive | Jun 27, 2011 | Blog, Blog Archive
Back in February, Forrester analyst Suresh Vittal published a report titled Marketing Technology Adoption 2011. With his usual thoroughness, Vittal documented the kinds of technology that marketers are using in detail. More importantly, he documented a sad truth: ...