Taming the Social Media Goliath Header

Have you ever felt like promoting your brand online is overwhelming – a goliath task even? Are you a growing brand with a small advertising budget? Does your brand not have an advertising budget at all?

We’ve all been there. You’ve done your research and have a strategy in mind. But just as you once sat staring at your computer screen (or typewriter) waiting for the right first words to come to mind for your school paper, sometimes it’s hard to get started. Every social media marketer at one point has this same struggle. The answer? Start sharing little by little.

Take inventory of your owned media that you’ve already created and find the common threads between your brand persona and the topics you would like to highlight based on your marketing strategy. Use what you have and repurpose your content in different ways. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel here, just tailor your content based on whatever social media network you are using to post.  For example, take a blog post that performed well and create an infographic, or break it down into slides to publish on Slideshare. A little more effort, and you have a whole new piece of content to share!

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Getting started on social media is sometimes a “trial by fire” process. At first, you don’t know how your content will be received. You should have some idea who you want to target with your messaging, but it’s hard to know if your content is reaching the right audience until you have data to back up your assumptions. But help is quickly on the way – you just have to know where to look.

Here are a few videos that can help you analyze your audience and the posts that perform the best.




Learn from your analytic homework and strategize, then re-strategize your social media campaign. Remember that no matter what your audience is responding to now, your message should always stay true to your brand identity and both you and your audience evolve over time. Don’t stray too far away from your brand values to get the all-mighty click as fast as you can. For your brand to achieve success no matter your size or your budget, it will take dedication, hard-work and a lot of perseverance.

But for now, go ahead, get your feet wet and jump right in.



About Alex Navarro

Alex is a California-native who currently lives in Dallas, Texas with his fantastic wife. In the past, he’s been responsible for creating, developing and executing national brand awareness campaigns and has enjoyed developing personalized marketing and promotional plans. Alex studied advertising and marketing at Pepperdine University and has enjoyed working in the field ever since. He also loves meeting new people – connect with him on LinkedIn orTwitter.