by Distribion Archive | Jun 3, 2015 | B2B Social Media, Blog, Blog Archive, Content Marketing, Featured, Marketing Automation, Social Media Marketing
Can you pass our Marketing Genius Quiz? Our short, 10 question, marketing automation quiz will rank you from zero to hero. Learn more about your results: Contender in Training (0-3 Correct) So you have some work to do. That’s ok! Thousands of Distribion Archive | May 20, 2015 | Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Content Marketing, Distributed Marketing, Distributed Marketing Software, Featured, Industry News, Local Marketing, Marketing Automation, Marketing Software, Multi-Channel Marketing, Social Media Marketing
The closer a brand influencer is to a customer, the more powerful the message. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing, and if you are like other savvy marketers, you value the importance of a referral. On Behalf Of Social Media Marketing Distribion Archive | May 6, 2015 | Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Distributed Marketing Software, Featured, Local Marketing, Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
The presidential race of 2012 seems so long ago now, but soon we will be right back in the political mix complete with lawn signs and negative TV ads from opposing candidates. As the political climate heats up, camps will look to maximize their online reach Distribion Archive | Mar 25, 2015 | Best Practices, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Featured, Industry News, Multi-Channel Marketing
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for college basketball fans That’s right, the NCAA basketball tournament is in full swing and the excitement is definitely in the air – or at least online. No longer do you and your coworkers have to huddle around the TV in Distribion Archive | Aug 26, 2014 | B2B Social Media, Blog, Blog Archive, Distributed Marketing, Featured, Local Marketing, Marketing Software, Multi-Channel Marketing Automation, Social Media, Social Media Marketing
We have to say, we were excited to attend the LIMRA Social Media Conference in Boston, but we had no idea how amazing it would actually be. There is so much innovation in the social media world, and we were thrilled to be able to debut a brand new technology of...